* No part of this document must be reproduced in any form - including copied,
* transcribed, printed or by any electronic means - without specific written
* permission from Freescale.
Except for the ZigBee Beestack, Freescale grants to you, free of charge, the non-exclusive, non-transferable right, exclusively for activities which support products incorporating a Freescale 802.15.4 Radio Frequency transceiver integrated circuit ("Freescale IC") (1) to use the Software internally, (2) to reproduce the Software for purposes outlined in this Agreement, (3) to prepare derivative works of only that Software provided in source code form and (4) to distribute the Software and any derivative works thereof, other than the BeeKit Tools, in object code form and solely in conjunction with a product that contains the Freescale IC.
Damn those proprietary vendors.